Friday Jun 25, 2021
Ep. 206: Random Notes From The Bunker!
Friday Jun 25, 2021
Friday Jun 25, 2021
In this lengthy episode I tell you about:
- A friend popping in at my workplace unannounced and presenting me with a fantastic gift.
- Some Sheetz levity I recently experienced.
- A horrendous limited-edition Mountain Dew flavor I tried.
- The way I incorporated a random house sound into one of my ludicrous dreams.
- An old classmate I saw on Facebook and the possibly unflattering main memory I have of him.
- The low-wattage vertigo I've been experiencing lately.
All this and two fresh calls from Ian in Scotland.
I hope you enjoy it, thanks for listening!
Join the mailing list here.
Need twice the Surf Report? We've got you covered. Just pop on over to patreon.com/jeffkay, sign up for a $4 (or more) monthly donation, and you'll immediately gain access to the weekly bonus shows. They're each a full-length episode and are only available to supporters at Patreon. Upgrade today!
Also, we now have a telephone hotline where you can leave your comments, questions, and suggestions. The number is 570-290-8151. Give us a call and there’s a very good chance you’ll be part of a future show. It’s all voicemail, no actual human will answer. If you're too shy for such shenanigans, email us at surfreportpod@gmail.com
Friday Jun 18, 2021
Ep. 204: The Onset Of Brood X!
Friday Jun 18, 2021
Friday Jun 18, 2021
In this one I tell you about:
- My fancy new office at work and the difficulties I encountered getting there.
- A lengthy conversation I had with a guy who is unusually fascinated by cicadas (Brood X!).
- A kick-ass burger I had for dinner this week, and how people want to compare all burgers to Five Guys.
- Old British phrases that have found their way into American speech.
- A new podcast-related domain I purchased.
I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for listening!
Join the mailing list here.
Need twice the Surf Report? We've got you covered. Just pop on over to patreon.com/jeffkay, sign up for a $4 (or more) monthly donation, and you'll immediately gain access to the weekly bonus shows. They're each a full-length episode and are only available to supporters at Patreon. Upgrade today!
Also, we now have a telephone hotline where you can leave your comments, questions, and suggestions. The number is 570-290-8151. Give us a call and there’s a very good chance you’ll be part of a future show. It’s all voicemail, no actual human will answer. If you're too shy for such shenanigans, email us at surfreportpod@gmail.com
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Ep. 202: Good Boy, My Ass!
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
In this one I tell you about my latest unsatisfactory haircut adventure, my latest unsatisfactory pizza adventure, and two great voicemails from the hotline -- one from Charlie in Virginia, and another from my cousin Danny who gives us all an unflattering glimpse at a younger Jeff Kay. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for listening!
Join the mailing list here.
Need twice the Surf Report? We've got you covered. Just pop on over to patreon.com/jeffkay, sign up for a $4 (or more) monthly donation, and you'll immediately gain access to the weekly bonus shows. They're each a full-length episode and are only available to supporters at Patreon. Upgrade today!
Also, we now have a telephone hotline where you can leave your comments, questions, and suggestions. The number is 570-290-8151. Give us a call and there’s a very good chance you’ll be part of a future show. It’s all voicemail, no actual human will answer. If you're too shy for such shenanigans, email us at surfreportpod@gmail.com
Saturday Jun 05, 2021
Ep. 200: Maybe A Quarter-Turn On The Dumbass Dimmer Switch?
Saturday Jun 05, 2021
Saturday Jun 05, 2021
In this one I tell you about an exciting and flattering message I received from Domino's Pizza, the threat of a horrendous heat wave moving our way and what that might mean for our lawn care regimen, the upcoming iCarly reboot and some weirdness it led me to, a service that allows a person to watch unlimited Minor League baseball games (crazy!), a baseball-themed exercise I undertook while in the throes of panic due to my age, and some news that did not help with that panic whatsoever. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for listening!
Join the mailing list here.
Need twice the Surf Report? We've got you covered. Just pop on over to patreon.com/jeffkay, sign up for a $4 (or more) monthly donation, and you'll immediately gain access to the weekly bonus shows. They're each a full-length episode and are only available to supporters at Patreon. Upgrade today!
Also, we now have a telephone hotline where you can leave your comments, questions, and suggestions. The number is 570-290-8151. Give us a call and there’s a very good chance you’ll be part of a future show. It’s all voicemail, no actual human will answer. If you're too shy for such shenanigans, email us at surfreportpod@gmail.com
Wednesday May 26, 2021
Ep. 198: Stop Shouting My Numbers!
Wednesday May 26, 2021
Wednesday May 26, 2021
In this one I tell you about the spider that's lurking in the bunker and the giant bees that are patrolling the deck, the end of the mask mandate, reinstalling the Soviet humboxes, the continuation of seasonal allergies, and a shopping excursion in search of more durable jeans (on account o' the serial blowouts)! I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for listening!
Join the mailing list here.
Need twice the Surf Report? We've got you covered. Just pop on over to patreon.com/jeffkay, sign up for a $4 (or more) monthly donation, and you'll immediately gain access to the weekly bonus shows. They're each a full-length episode and are only available to supporters at Patreon. Upgrade today!
Also, we now have a telephone hotline where you can leave your comments, questions, and suggestions. The number is 570-290-8151. Give us a call and there’s a very good chance you’ll be part of a future show. It’s all voicemail, no actual human will answer. If you're too shy for such shenanigans, email us at surfreportpod@gmail.com
Thursday May 20, 2021
Ep. 196: If I Have To Mow, There's Going To Be A Reward!
Thursday May 20, 2021
Thursday May 20, 2021
In this one I tell you about how the seasonal allergies are kickin' in, my hemming and hawing about buying MLB.TV (until I experienced white-hot resentment while mowing), the older boy's way of getting rid of the many sticks and branches from our yard, and share a family vaccine update. All this and fresh new calls from Eugene and Ian! I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for listening!
Join the mailing list here.
Need twice the Surf Report? We've got you covered. Just pop on over to patreon.com/jeffkay, sign up for a $4 (or more) monthly donation, and you'll immediately gain access to the weekly bonus shows. They're each a full-length episode and are only available to supporters at Patreon. Upgrade today!
Also, we now have a telephone hotline where you can leave your comments, questions, and suggestions. The number is 570-290-8151. Give us a call and there’s a very good chance you’ll be part of a future show. It’s all voicemail, no actual human will answer. If you're too shy for such shenanigans, email us at surfreportpod@gmail.com
Monday May 10, 2021
Ep. 194: I'm Ready 'n' Willing!
Monday May 10, 2021
Monday May 10, 2021
In this one I tell you about my first time mowing the lawn in several years, discuss the death of a celebrity, a mysterious old Whitesnake album, some disposable hard rock cassettes I bought for my car back in the day, and some thoughts on Mother's Day. All this and a call from Surf Reporter Erica! I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for listening!
Join the mailing list here.
Need twice the Surf Report? We've got you covered. Just pop on over to patreon.com/jeffkay, sign up for a $4 (or more) monthly donation, and you'll immediately gain access to the weekly bonus shows. They're each a full-length episode and are only available to supporters at Patreon. Upgrade today!
Also, we now have a telephone hotline where you can leave your comments, questions, and suggestions. The number is 570-290-8151. Give us a call and there’s a very good chance you’ll be part of a future show. It’s all voicemail, no actual human will answer. If you're too shy for such shenanigans, email us at surfreportpod@gmail.com
Wednesday May 05, 2021
Ep. 192: Four More Early Job Stories!
Wednesday May 05, 2021
Wednesday May 05, 2021
At the website I recently published a piece where I re-told one crazy story from each of my four West Virginia jobs. You know the stoopid early jobs you have when you're young and dumb? You can read it here. I had a hard time choosing which particular tale to tell, because there was SO MUCH ridiculousness. And so, in this episode I tell one alternate story from each job, and could do several more editions like this one. But probably won't. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for listening!
Join the mailing list here.
Need twice the Surf Report? We've got you covered. Just pop on over to patreon.com/jeffkay, sign up for a $4 (or more) monthly donation, and you'll immediately gain access to the weekly bonus shows. They're each a full-length episode and are only available to supporters at Patreon. Upgrade today!
Also, we now have a telephone hotline where you can leave your comments, questions, and suggestions. The number is 570-290-8151. Give us a call and there’s a very good chance you’ll be part of a future show. It’s all voicemail, no actual human will answer. If you're too shy for such shenanigans, email us at surfreportpod@gmail.com
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
Ep. 190: It's Nibbling Away At The Front End Of My Sleep Cycle!
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
In this messy episode I tell you about how the late night baseball games are killing me, a return to our favorite (and raucous!) watering hole, a disappointing conversation I had with the beer store guy, and four(!) new quality calls from the hotline! I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for listening!
Join the mailing list here.
Need twice the Surf Report? We've got you covered. Just pop on over to patreon.com/jeffkay, sign up for a $4 (or more) monthly donation, and you'll immediately gain access to the weekly bonus shows. They're each a full-length episode and are only available to supporters at Patreon. Upgrade today!
Also, we now have a telephone hotline where you can leave your comments, questions, and suggestions. The number is 570-290-8151. Give us a call and there’s a very good chance you’ll be part of a future show. It’s all voicemail, no actual human will answer. If you're too shy for such shenanigans, email us at surfreportpod@gmail.com
Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
Ep. 188: I'm Going To Be Gnarled And Bent!
Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
In this one I tell you about my old man sleeping developments, my demoralizing lawncare situation, our expensive dinner of meat, rice, and spectacle, a 44-hour audio book I recently purchased, and some things that fire me up a decade after the fact! I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for listening!
Join the mailing list here.
Need twice the Surf Report? We've got you covered. Just pop on over to patreon.com/jeffkay, sign up for a $4 (or more) monthly donation, and you'll immediately gain access to the weekly bonus shows. They're each a full-length episode and are only available to supporters at Patreon. Upgrade today!
Also, we now have a telephone hotline where you can leave your comments, questions, and suggestions. The number is 570-290-8151. Give us a call and there’s a very good chance you’ll be part of a future show. It’s all voicemail, no actual human will answer. If you're too shy for such shenanigans, email us at surfreportpod@gmail.com